tiistai 19. marraskuuta 2013

Withdrawal Symptoms

It looks like I'll be without a Windows Phone 8 device for at least a few days as I borrowed my Lumia 620 to my niece while taking her iPhone 4S with shattered screen to be taken into service (there are more and cheaper repair shops where I live). This means I had to pop my work SIM back into the company-issued Lumia 800, and if WP8 feels limited every now and then, just try using a WP7 device after getting used to WP8. There's nothing here! No Here Drive+, just Nokia Drive. 6tag? Not going to happen. Kid's Corner? Nope. And the list goes on and on.

Now the most relevant question is that can I wait to get my 620 back or will I go and buy a better WP8 device before that. Especially the 925 has been quite lucratively priced lately...

Fortunately I have my iPhone, too. I wouldn't tolerate having just a WP7 device as my only phone since that means I'd be locked out of way too many nice apps. The WP8 non-upgrade was a real death blow to many otherwise fine handsets.

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